Bringing you information and results about reloading equipment and equations!

I came here to Gunsmith and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Glow Sights

So last time I went to the range I noticed that unless in a well lit room the sights on my 9mm Taurus were just not cutting it anymore. The white rear sight was a dingy grey and could hardly see any color on the front as well. After searching around the internet I came to a conclusion that the cheapest way would be to just re-paint them rather than replace them with another set.

Then I thought to myself if I'm going to paint them I may as well try to find some lume paint but that was fairly expensive and hard to find. So I went to the local arts and crafts store in the area and picked up some regular glow in the dark craft paint.

After a few coats I left it under a regular desk lamp for a minute or so and then killed all the lights in the room. It was actually glowing fairly decent for not being exposed to any UV light. Now, time to get to the range and test it out ! I may bring a UV light to give it a quick boost if the glow starts to fade.